The Key Role of Irrigation for Deejay Coconut Hybrid Trees
Water is crucial for the growth and health of Deejay Sampoorna Hybrid coconut trees. It supports nutrient absorption, photosynthesis, and overall tree development. Without proper irrigation, these trees can suffer from stunted growth, reduced yields, button dropping, and increased susceptibility to diseases.
Why Deejay Hybrids Need More Water?
- Rapid Growth: Deejay hybrids grow quickly and require more water to support their increased metabolic processes and tissue development.
- Higher Yield: These hybrids produce more coconuts per palm compared to local varieties, requiring more water to support the larger quantity and quality of coconuts.
- Root System: The deep root system of Deejay hybrids allows them to explore a larger area for water uptake.
- Nutrient Absorption: Continuous moisture around the root zone helps nutrients and fertilizers be absorbed easily, ensuring optimal nutrient levels in the trees.
When to Irrigate?
It is essential to ensure that the soil above the root zone is always moist and not damp.
- On rainy days the soil moisture is more, hence it is necessary to limit/not give water to the plants on those days.
- In dry/summer season, the soil moisture is low, hence the plants need continuous water supply to provide comfort zone for the plants to absorb nutrients.
For Deejay hybrid daily watering in specified quantity is necessary based on the soil type / moisture condition.
- 0-1 year crop: 20-50 ltr./palm/day (based on the soil moisture)
- 1-2 year crop: 50-75 ltr./palm/day (based on the soil moisture)
- 3 year onwards: 75-120 ltr./palm/day (based on the soil moisture)
Where and How to Irrigate?
- Irrigation has to provide in the active root zone region, i.e., around 1 to 5 feet (based on the growth) away from the bole region of the palm.
- Avoid water stagnation near the base, because water stagnation may lead to bud rot, root rot and other fungal diseases to the plant.
- Drip irrigation around the root zone is the very scientific way of irrigation system for coconut.
Water is essential for Deejay hybrid coconut farming. Proper irrigation ensures the trees receive the right amount of water for maximum nutrient absorption and growth. By using efficient irrigation methods, farmers can sustainably increase their yields and ensure a prosperous future with Deejay Sampoorna Hybrids.