The everyday Soap!
I ask you if you believe that washing your hands with soap for the duration of two “Happy Birthdays” songs, will kill the Corona Virus? I hope you do, for it does, and you will be safer by washing your hands, the most effective way to avoid contamination! The whole world knows this. For those of you, who are not aware of the basic science of it….here it is.
How does soap work? Soap is a mixture of fats and oils and caustic soda. The molecule of soap looks like a microscopic pin. The head is hydrophilic i.e. attracted to water, and the pintail is hydrophobic i.e. pushes away from water. Think of the two poles of a magnet, positive and negative – attracting and repelling. The soap molecule is just like that. It mixes with the clothing being washed, causes a separation of oil and other stains, loosens them and they are freed from the bond to the clothing. They are called surfactants. The same happens when washing your hands. To help you understand this better I quote from the net – “Surfactants are usually organic compounds that are amphiphilic, meaning they contain both hydrophobic groups (their tails) and hydrophilic groups (their heads). Therefore, surfactant contains both a water-insoluble (or oil-soluble) component and a water-soluble component.”
And then…the Corona Virus!
So, what does the soap have to do with the virus? For that, first, let’s understand a bit of what the virus is! Plenty has been written on it, circulated on social media. But here is the connect! Did you know that scientists are not sure if viruses are animate or inanimate? Are they live or not live? This is because they do not classify properly as living cells. But that is not important. What is important is that they have a strong protective coating, created especially to protect the RNA (and the protein) inside. A lipid coating that nothing can penetrate. Well, almost nothing! Soap can.
In simple terms, the Corona Virus has a lipid coating over its protein protective layer which is damaged and even dissolved by soap. The lipids are made of oils or fats and are hydrophobic and the proteins are nitrogens compounds that are hydrophilic. The pinhead and tail of the soap molecule create a disturbance into these layers of the virus, damaging it and then destroying it. Do refer to this easy-to-understand article by PalliThordarson dt. April 8th, 2020, to learn how it actually works.
Soap works on the outside – an external intervention and quite effective. Disinfectants do not work from the inside, no matter who says what. Let us see what can work from the inside on the lipid coating of viruses – what can be a simple internal intervention to boost our immunity?
Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) – a possible immunity?
The human immune system, without exposure, is not able to penetrate and damage or kill viruses. Only vaccines or inoculations build up specific antibodies, which can. Furthermore, medical science has developed specific medicines for specific illnesses. But…nothing yet, for Covid-19, though there is a lot of breakneck research, followed by trials going on and we are told a breakthrough is expected soon! So…are we missing something in the interim, which is easily available to us?
YES, there is one natural substance found in Mother’s breast milk and in Virgin Coconut Oil …..Lauric Acid. VCO is the richest natural source of lauric acid in the world, with content between 49 % to 51%. VCO is the oil extracted from the fresh kernel of the mature coconut. Coconut Oil, on the other hand, is the oil extracted from copra, or the dried kernel of the coconut. They are different and look different.
How does lauric acid kill viruses? In our digestive system, lauric acid becomes monolaurin, which is a more effective virus killer than lauric acid itself. It does the same to the virus but from the inside. Just like soap, it damages the lipid coating, and if the virus coating is exposed long enough to monolaurin, the virus will die (disintegrate), rather become inactive. Once the virus is damaged the human immune system can now attack and totally destroy the virus. What is good is that monolaurin continues to sing “Happy Birthday” the whole day long, and right inside our bodies. Mother’s milk also has lauric acid, and hence infants almost never get the flu, which is caused by a virus …..a lipid coated virus!.
While it is good to remember that washing one’s hands are very necessary, please also remember that moment after one’s hands are washed, they begin to get recontaminated. Washing gives some protection but not security. It is a partial solution. Monolaurin is possibly the most constant dependable solution. Monolaurin counters the virus after it enters the body. Washing with soap is not enough. Washing and ingesting Lauric Acid just may be the perfect solution.
When we consider the efficacy of VCO, research has been done on 16 Lipid Coated viruses and they are found to be susceptible to monolaurin. VCO damages and kills them – HIV and Cytomegalovirus(CMV) are two of them. Research has proven that monolaurin and VCO are effective against HIV and CMV. The flu virus is also lipid coated and has been proven to be susceptible to monolaurin. I have searched but not found a single reason why COVID 19 may not be susceptible. And until I find a reason, I believe that VCO is the possible and very available profilactic for COVID 19. Nor have I found a lipid coated virus that has shown resistance to monolaurin. So if you believe that soap can destroy the coronavirus from the outside, kindly do not be afraid to believe that VCO can do that constantly from the inside.
In conclusion…….
The recommendation is that you take a tablespoon of VCO in the morning and once at night, to keep the levels of monolaurin high. Outside pandemic times, taking VCO just once a day either before or after meals should suffice. Studies have not been done on the most efficacious dosage.
Once you start taking VCO, kindly check your wellness levels. I feel confident that many people will find their wellness levels rising, at least those people who have high levels of CMV, which I referred to earlier. I call CMV or the Cytomegalovirus, the world’s best kept secret. Every medical person knows of it. Almost none other has heard about it. Have you?
But let us now focus on the COVID epidemic. Is VCO, available all around us, the possible chink in the Armour?
David J. Lobo
[The writer of this article is the founder of Deejay Coconut Farm Pvt. Ltd., which is into the breeding of new and better hybrid coconut palms. He neither manufactures Virgin Coconut Oil nor has any direct interest in it. ]